Dear Friends Of Whitelodge,
In our combined many (many) years in the Care Sector we have witnessed a cycle of global economic and geo political challenges that have threatened the day to day operation and smooth running of our home.
We have witnessed recession, terrorism, war and very recently prolonged Brexit negotiations.
The speed and severity of the Global Pandemic known as Covid – 19 Virus is like nothing we have seen before.
We want to re assure you that the health and well being of all our Residents and Staff Teams alike remain our primary focus.
We remain committed to delivering the very best level of care, both physical and emotional to those entrusted into our care.
I am sure you are aware that the Government are issuing updated guidelines on a daily basis, we will continue to respond, adapt and implement any practices and protocols as directed.
For further information regarding Covid 19 please click on the links below which are updated on a regular basis by Public Health England.
This is not an easy time for any of us, as this unenviable situation continues to unfold but we are committed to the welfare of everyone at Whitelodge and look forward to the day when we can say life is a little more normal.
Meanwhile, please stay healthy.
Best Wishes.